Closest Airports
St Louis Lambert International Airport 2:51 Kansas City International Airport 2:35 Columbia Regional Airport 1:20 2 Flights per day from Chicago and Dallas on American Airlines Private – Osage Beach, MO Grand Glaze Airport K15
Shipping Address
29211 Hwy 135 Gravois Mills, MO 65037 Please have race team and attention to on the mailing label
Exiting Events
South on 135 Hwy North using 135 to Stover North using J Hwy to 5 Hwy to Versailles
Fuel Availability
Renegade Racing Fuel available only on site (no preordering weeks in advance): 91 No ethanol (unleaded) HR102 (unleaded ) Pro 110 (leaded )
Strongly discouraged
Personal Golf Carts, ATVs, & unlicensed vehicles Firearms & Fireworks Drones, Quadcopters, or Unmanned Aircraft Systems Offensive Signage Any other items that may impose a safety hazard or diminish the enjoyment of the event for other guests.
Do I need a license to race?
Depending on the type of event, you might need a racing license. Contact the event's organizer for more information.
Do you offer racing classes?
Yes we will in the coming year.